Enable JavaScript for CiteCount
CiteCount is built as a client-side JavaScript application to ensure your files are not sent to servers to process. JavaScript has to be enabled for CiteCount to function.
Only Microsoft Word (.docx and .doc) and PDF (.pdf) files are supported.Your document stays securely within your device. All operations are performed locally in your browser.
When enabled, your work will be saved on every edit.
When enabled, CiteCount will warn when you leave or reload the page, if AutoSave is disabled.
When enabled, native spell checking will be used.
When enabled, information about CiteCount below the app will be hidden.
- You can now manually exclude citations from being counted by clicking the citations counter - Citations modal has a new design - Selecting text in text box will now dynamically update word counts
Requires app restart to take effect. AutoSave data will be lost. Recommended if CiteCount is not working as expected.